



食物喜用:白菜,白萝卜等白色系蔬菜水果。. 配饰喜用:金银、白水晶等。. 宠物喜用:鸡、猴。. 家居字画:白色调、青铜器、珠宝。. 培养爱好:乐器、声乐。. 培养习惯:带首饰、带手表。. 生活中可以穿金戴银,戴手表,衣服配饰方面以冷色调为主,简单 ...

1953 Chinese Zodiac

The year of 1953 is the Chinese zodiac Snake sign, and based on Chinese Five Elements, it belongs to the water element. Therefore, people born in 1953 Chinese zodiac year are the Water Snake. As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, Chinese year of the Water Snake starts from February 14, 1953 to February 2, 1954 in Gregorian calendar.


Among the Chinese, Avalokiteśvara is almost exclusively called Guanshiyin Pusa (觀世音菩薩). The Chinese translation of many Buddhist sutras has in fact replaced the Chinese transliteration of Avalokitesvara with Guanshiyin (觀世音). Some Taoist scriptures give her the title of Guanyin Dashi, sometimes informally Guanyin Fozu.

深圳東門好去處2023|一日遊行程8大推介!東門老街美食/商場/按摩 地鐵直達附交通攻

+2 深圳東門好去處2023|3.東門町歡樂城 地址:中國廣東省深圳市羅湖區人民南路深南東路3020號 交通:深圳地鐵老街站C出口 營業時間:(星期一至星期日)12:00-22:00 深圳東門好去處2023|4.核客電玩城 位於東門町歡樂城2樓的核客電玩城,同樣是人氣景點,有齊多款電玩項目,類似遊戲機舖及冒險樂園的集合,不但有經典街機遊戲,如跳舞機、籃球機、彈珠機,亦有推銀機、夾公仔、賽車、頭文字D跑車、KTV等,一家大小都啱玩,適合熱愛電玩的大家! 深圳東門好去處2023|4.核客電玩城

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